About Sea buckthorn
The sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is a fruit bearing shrub from the Eleagnacee family, existent both in the spontaneous flora and in plantation as cultivated system. The sea buckthorn is known in different areas of the world under several custom names, which are expressing always the origin place, the presence of thorns, fruits colour and fruits effect upon the human body.
The sea buckthorn is remarkable by its incredible adaptation capacity to the soil and climate conditions, which are enabling her to grow on some lands or to occupy them.
The sea buckthorn presents like a 1.5-3.5 m high bush with many thorns. Depending on the soil and climate conditions, she grows different under the shape of low crawling bushes in the dry areas and poor soils, or under the shape of shrub in hight of 8-10 m on the fertile soils.
Sea buckthorn blossoms in the month April - May and begins to produce fruits after 2-5 years after planting. Following the fruits are produced yearly but only each second year the harvest is abundant.
The sea buckthorn fruits are ripe in September - October, but they stay on the shrubs until spring when they fall on the soil. As a consequence the harvesting period is very large.
The sea buckthorn is a unique and valuable plant in breeding system. The fruits and seeds are the main nutritional and therapeutic sources. Due to these beneficent effects, from the sea buckthorn are obtained a great diversity of products, especially oils and its derivative products.
Benefits of the sea buckthorn:
- rises the energy level of the body
- strengthens the immune system
- improves the cardiovascular system's activity
- protects the nervous system
- regulates the metabolism
- has antioxidant effects